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Tongue Localization Method Based on Cascade Classifier

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2020.030104 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 2229


Chao Song 1


1 School of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing, 210046, China

Corresponding Author

Chao Song


Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) verifies that tongue images are closely related to the health of the human organs and tongues’ visual features can provide valuable clues for disease diagnosis. How to locate the tongue region is an important step in the intelligent development of the TCM tongue diagnosis, because the effective removal of interference information outside the tongue can effectively enhance the extraction of tongue features. This paper proposes a cascade classifier based on Local Binary Pattern (LBP) feature to locate and segment the tongue body, which effectively improves the classification accuracy of the tongue feature.


Tongue localization, Cascade classifier, Local Binary Pattern


Chao Song. Tongue Localization Method Based on Cascade Classifier. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2020) Vol. 3: 13-21. DOI:


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