Multifunctional Vision Reading and Writing Posture Corrector Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer
DOI: 10.23977/jeeem.2023.060305 | Downloads: 141 | Views: 1710
Binkai Zou 1, Jianfei Shi 1, Yuxiang Feng 1, Qiongyang Li 1, Yi Dai 1, Xin Zhang 1, Jiayi Zhang 1, Jinyang Zou 1, Shengkun Yu 1
1 College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing, 163319, China
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The eyes are the source of knowledge acquisition and the channel for transmitting information. In modern society, due to the lack of self-awareness of primary and secondary school students, parents and teachers cannot remind them all the time. Once bad reading and writing habits are formed, it is difficult to change them. The vicious cycle of day after day leads to many primary and secondary school students wearing glasses prematurely. It is not only inconvenient in life but also causes great psychological shadow on their minds. Therefore, people gradually focus on children's vision. This system is a kind of intelligent control system that integrates human-computer interaction technology and people-oriented thinking, and combines the wisdom of electronics, physics, and human engineering and so on. The system measures the distance between the user's eyes and desk, the brightness of light in the reading scene and the reading time. If it fails to meet the standard, the system will actively suggest that users straighten their posture and straighten their waist and back to cultivate good reading habits and improve reading quality.
Vision, sitting posture, human-computer interaction, intelligenceCITE THIS PAPER
Binkai Zou, Jianfei Shi, Yuxiang Feng, Qiongyang Li, Yi Dai, Xin Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Jinyang Zou, Shengkun Yu, Multifunctional Vision Reading and Writing Posture Corrector Based on Single-Chip Microcomputer. Journal of Electrotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Management (2023) Vol. 6: 30-36. DOI:
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