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A Study of Pragmatic Strategies in the Spokespersons' Replies at China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Regular Press Conferences—From the Perspective of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2023.061001 | Downloads: 202 | Views: 1299


Jingsheng Xie 1


1 School of International Education, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, 100000, China

Corresponding Author

Jingsheng Xie


Diplomatic language is a sharp weapon for diplomats to protect their own country's interests in the complex international environment. So that in the practice of diplomatic work, accurate and appropriate use of diplomatic language is the basic requirement. Grice's cooperative principle and Leech's politeness principle are regarded as the norms of verbal communication. However, in the actual process of communication, due to the complexity of social relations and values, spokesmen often violate some of the cooperative principle and politeness principle in order to achieve some kinds of special purpose. Therefore, based on the analysis of 100 responses from Ministry of foreign affairs of China, this paper would like to explore the diplomatic language's strategies from the perspective of the cooperative principle and politeness principle in actual using situation, so as how to better use cooperative principle and politeness principle to guide verbal communication.


Diplomatic Language; Cooperative Principle; Pragmatic Strategies


Jingsheng Xie, A Study of Pragmatic Strategies in the Spokespersons' Replies at China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Regular Press Conferences—From the Perspective of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2023) Vol. 6: 1-10. DOI:


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