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The Aesthetic Ethics of Midjourney under the Development of Artificial Intelligence

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2023.060507 | Downloads: 120 | Views: 1371


Yaodong Zheng 1


1 College Humanities, University Tongji, Shanghai, 200082, China

Corresponding Author

Yaodong Zheng


With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, artificial intelligence mapping applications such as Midjourney are also playing an increasingly important role in our daily life and work. However, with the expansion of its application, it also faces a series of ethical problems. From the perspective of aesthetic ethics, this paper discusses the aesthetic ethics of Midjourney, an artificial intelligence form, in artistic creation. Through the discussion of the aesthetic ethics of Midjourney, the author puts forward the creation criteria to be followed when interacting with Midjourney, and pays attention to the importance of Midjourney database specification. In modern society, people have paid more and more attention to the appropriate field of application of artificial intelligence, requiring Midjourney to follow the originality of artistic creation as much as possible, respect for human creation laws and other ethics. Therefore, it has become an important research direction to provide suggestions on aesthetic ethics for Midjourney, so as to help Midjourney achieve art generation conforming to ethical norms. Through the way of thinking of artificial intelligence aesthetic ethics, we can provide new ideas and methods for the development of Midjourney, so that it can better serve human society.


Aesthetic Ethics, Midjourney, Artificial Intelligence, Artistic Creation


Yaodong Zheng, The Aesthetic Ethics of Midjourney under the Development of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2023) Vol. 6: 52-57. DOI:


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