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Case Analysis of Semantic Transformation under Language Contact—From "Wuri Idol "to"Amazing My X!"

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2023.061003 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 677


Yaxi Jin 1


1 College of Advanced Chinese Training, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China

Corresponding Author

Yaxi Jin


There is a common language phenomenon in Korean that arouses empathy by subjectivisation personal pronouns. In popular culture, "wuri + idol name" is widely used to express praise, admiration or pride for the idol. With the introduction of Korean film and television and popular culture into China, the transliteration variant of "wuri + idol name", "wuli/in the house + idol name", also appeared in Chinese. Combining with the subjective usage of personal pronouns already existing in Chinese, gradually developed the "my X" structure, which is more consistent with Chinese expression habits and has a wider scope of application, and combined with commendatory words and inverted sentences, strengthened praise and pride, and formed the "my X" sentence pattern, It has become a network buzzword in recent years. The reasons for the formation of this catchphrase come from both the internal and external stimulation of language contact.


Language Contact, Personal Pronouns, Subjectivisation, Empathy


Yaxi Jin, Case Analysis of Semantic Transformation under Language Contact—From "Wuri Idol "to"Amazing My X!". Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2023) Vol. 6: 17-24. DOI:


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