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Analysis of the Similarities and Differences between Wordsworth's and Tao Yuanming's Pastoral Poetry

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2023.061005 | Downloads: 101 | Views: 1198


Tao Luo 1


1 School of International Studies, Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China

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Tao Luo


Pastoral poetry is regarded as a treasure whether in Chinese or Western literature. In the poetry field, Wordsworth of Britain and Tao Yuanming of the late Eastern Jin Dynasty to the early Southern Song Dynasty were the great romantic poets, and they all had a very important position in the field of pastoral poetry. This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between the Wordsworth and Tao Yuanming's pastoral poetry in terms of comparative analysis. By comparing and analyzing the works of the two, the paper will not only give readers a deeper understanding of the ideological connotation of their works, but also make the readers understand the similarities and differences between the Chinese and Western cultures in the pastoral poetry, thereby also better promote the cultural exchange. At the same time, the two poets advocate return to nature also embodies the theme of the harmonious development of man and nature in today's society, and its simple language style also provided new inspiration for the creation of contemporary poetry. 


Similarities, Differences, Wordsworth, Tao Yuanming, Pastoral Poetry


Tao Luo, Analysis of the Similarities and Differences between Wordsworth's and Tao Yuanming's Pastoral Poetry. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2023) Vol. 6: 33-39. DOI:


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