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Intelligent Following Car Based on Dual Detection Positioning Using Ultrasonic and Camera

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2023.060509 | Downloads: 132 | Views: 1107


Nan Chen 1, Dingxuan Zhang 1, Junyang Guo 1, Siying Zhou 1, Xinle Ma 1


1 College of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu, 610041, China

Corresponding Author

Nan Chen


To achieve real-time positioning of the target object for given tasks, a smart car system is designed using STM32F407 as the core control unit, mainly relying on ultrasonic sensors for detection and supplemented by camera detection for target locating and tracking. The ultrasonic sensor module is used as the main device for target information collection and transmission, and the distance difference between the two modules and the follow-up object is used to determine the target position. Meanwhile, the camera module is used for accurate positioning of the target, and algorithms such as Kalman filtering and PID closed-loop control are used to achieve interaction between the two detection modules and intelligent following. By doing so, the system can always maintain a distance from the target person and provide timely assistance as needed.


STM32F407, dual detection modules, automatic following, intelligent car, accurate positioning


Nan Chen, Dingxuan Zhang, Junyang Guo, Siying Zhou, Xinle Ma, Intelligent Following Car Based on Dual Detection Positioning Using Ultrasonic and Camera. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2023) Vol. 6: 66-74. DOI:


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