Aesthetic Pursuit and Religious Complex in Wilde's Fairy Tales
DOI: 10.23977/langl.2023.061310 | Downloads: 35 | Views: 576
Zhang Jinling 1
1 North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, 063210, China
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Zhang JinlingABSTRACT
Oscar Wilde, a famous playwright, novelist, poet and critic, is the chief advocate of the aesthetic movement in the late19th century. His fairy tales show his aesthetic ideas—the "art for art's sake" viewpoint, emphasizing the pure beauty detached from real life, opposing utilitarianism in artistic pursuit. At the same time, they contain grumous religious color, reflecting strong Christian brotherhood and humanistic care. This paper is intended to probe into Oscar Wilde's religious complex in his fairy tales.
Oscar Wilde, aestheticism, fairy tales, religious complexCITE THIS PAPER
Zhang Jinling, Aesthetic Pursuit and Religious Complex in Wilde's Fairy Tales. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2023) Vol. 6: 66-70. DOI:
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