Research on the Dilemma and Paths of Developing Smart Sports Parks in Cold Areas from the Perspective of Big Data
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2023.060606 | Downloads: 103 | Views: 1188
Di Jiang 1, Zhenjun Xu 1
1 Department of Physical Education, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China
Corresponding Author
This article uses literature method, logical analysis method and other research methods to clarify the concept of China's cold city smart sports park under the perspective of big data information technology, explore the obstacles and paths of wisdom development, create a digital management platform for national fitness, and promote the modernization of cold city sports park management. At the same time, this paper can also meet the multi-level fitness demands of the fitness public and give them high-quality fitness services. Development barriers are as follows: lack of norms for construction standards, immaturity of the platform wisdom functions are missing, sports software has security risks, lack of sports composite talents, and imbalance between supply and demand. The development paths are as follows: to develop a smart sports park plan for cold cities; to build a big data management platform for sports parks; to revitalize composite human resources; to optimize intellectual support, and to meet the diversified fitness needs of gym-goers.
Big Data, Cold Cities, Smart Sports ParksCITE THIS PAPER
Di Jiang, Zhenjun Xu, Research on the Dilemma and Paths of Developing Smart Sports Parks in Cold Areas from the Perspective of Big Data. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2023) Vol. 6: 36-43. DOI:
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