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Design of intelligent human resource management system based on cloud computing platform

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2023.060607 | Downloads: 169 | Views: 1267


Pei Feng 1, Rong Yong 1


1 Xi'an Kedagaoxin University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710109, China

Corresponding Author

Pei Feng


Human resource management is the core of any company's management. The Human Resources Management System (HRMS) has become the core of the company's management information system. Therefore, it is inevitable to design and implement the HRMS on a cloud platform. This article refers to a large number of domestic and foreign literature on cloud computing and HRMS, and carefully studies cloud computing platforms and similar management information systems. The aim is to solve the problem of mutual independence of some enterprise management information systems and excessive redundancy of HR information, integrate all the information systems that require employee information and employee login, eliminate the redundancy of basic employee information in the existing management information system, achieve real-time synchronization of information, achieve single sign-on, and improve the usability of the system.


Cloud compute; windows azure; human resource management system


Pei Feng, Rong Yong, Design of intelligent human resource management system based on cloud computing platform. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2023) Vol. 6: 44-49. DOI:


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