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A Study of the Narrative Characteristics of English Literature in A.S. Byatt's Novel Possession

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DOI: 10.23977/langl.2023.061406 | Downloads: 32 | Views: 661


Jintian Yu 1


1 Jilin International Studies University, Changchun, China

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Jintian Yu


British novelist A.S. Byatt's novel Possession, a novel about love, poetry and literary studies, is renowned in the world of literature for its artistic representation of the whole human experience, and the artistry of the novel plays a great role in the writer's successful representation of human experience. This paper attempts to systematically analyse the narrative strategy and content of Possession in terms of three dimensions such as narrative hierarchy, time and focus, and to sort out the narrative features of English literature while revealing its narrative characteristics.


A.S. Byatt; Possession; English Literature; Narrative Mode; Variegation


Jintian Yu, A Study of the Narrative Characteristics of English Literature in A.S. Byatt's Novel Possession. Lecture Notes on Language and Literature (2023) Vol. 6: 30-37. DOI:


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