Changes in Government Attention to AI Topics in the Perspective of Framing Theory—Taking the Report of AI-related Articles in People's Daily Online as an Example
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070206 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 538
Qiaoying Zhu 1, Huilan Zhong 2
1 Department of Public Security, Public Security Studies, Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou, China
2 Department of Public Infrastructure, Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou, China
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Huilan ZhongABSTRACT
This study explores changes in government attention to the topic of AI from a framing theory perspective, using AI-related reports from China People's Daily Online as an example. The study collected about 16,343 articles including from March 2021 to February 2024, and explored the changes in the framing of the reports in the two periods through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, and found that during the period of March 2021 to November 2022, the reports mainly focused on the application and development of AI technology in various fields, presenting a positive propaganda attitude; whereas during the period of December 2022 to February 2024 period, the reports gradually shifted to reflections and critiques of potential risks of AI, showing more diversity and depth. Overall, the government's attitude toward AI technology shows rationality and balance, and in the future, it can continue to pay attention to its role in national security, social governance, and economic development, promote the healthy development of AI technology, and strengthen cooperation with industry, academia, and all sectors of society.
Framing theory; attention; People's Daily Online; AI technologyCITE THIS PAPER
Qiaoying Zhu, Huilan Zhong, Changes in Government Attention to AI Topics in the Perspective of Framing Theory—Taking the Report of AI-related Articles in People's Daily Online as an Example. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 40-48. DOI:
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