Research on periodic intelligent inspection and maintenance of offshore platform equipment
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070210 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 524
Chen Zhang 1, Wenyu Song 2
1 Qingdao Zhongzhixing Information Technology Co., LTD, Qingdao, Shandong, China
2 Hengxing University, Qingdao, Shandong, China
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Marine platform equipment is crucial infrastructure in ocean engineering and resource development. However, its operation in harsh marine environments presents numerous challenges. This paper aims to explore the importance of regular intelligent detection and maintenance of marine platform equipment, and proposes a corresponding research framework. Firstly, the types and functions of marine platform equipment, as well as their roles in ocean engineering, are introduced. Secondly, the importance of regular intelligent detection for the safe operation of equipment is discussed, with an emphasis on the role of intelligent technology in the detection process. Subsequently, the role of maintenance in extending equipment lifespan and reducing accidents is analyzed, along with a discussion on the impact of different maintenance strategies. Finally, a set of detection and maintenance schemes based on intelligent technology is proposed, and its future development is discussed, aiming to provide theoretical support and technical guidance for the safe operation and sustainable development of marine platform equipment.
Marine platform equipment, intelligent detection, intelligent technology, ocean engineeringCITE THIS PAPER
Chen Zhang, Wenyu Song, Research on periodic intelligent inspection and maintenance of offshore platform equipment. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 70-76. DOI:
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