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Application and discussion of computer communication technology in artificial intelligence field

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DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2024.070218 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 449


Rao Yi 1, Wang Xiangyu 1


1 China Mobile Communications Group Hubei Co., Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Corresponding Author

Rao Yi


Since the beginning of the 21st century, the rapid advancement of computer communication technology and artificial intelligence has propelled modern society's transition from informatization to intelligence. With the progress of the Internet, Internet of Things, and big data technology, the speed and efficiency of data transmission have significantly improved, providing ample support for artificial intelligence algorithms. Through distributed computing and cloud computing, the smooth processing and transmission of massive data are achievable, laying a solid foundation for the training and reasoning of artificial intelligence algorithms. Simultaneously, continuous enhancements in real-time responsiveness, stability, and security of computer communication technology have opened up endless possibilities for the diversification and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence applications. In various fields such as industry, healthcare, transportation, and education, intelligent networking systems are gradually becoming widespread, and the integration of edge computing with IoT allows artificial intelligence to serve society's development more precisely and efficiently.


Computer communication technology; Artificial intelligence; Application and discussion


Rao Yi, Wang Xiangyu, Application and discussion of computer communication technology in artificial intelligence field. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2024) Vol. 7: 141-148. DOI:


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