Artificial Intelligence and Depression: How AI powered chatbots in virtual reality games may reduce anxiety and depression levels
DOI: 10.23977/jaip.2020.030108 | Downloads: 571 | Views: 7275
Xinrui Ren 1
1 Brooklyn, New York, 11214
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Depression is a prevailing issue of the 21st Century in dire need of a solution. Trained professionals such as therapists and psychologists are often limited in supply and charge a high price for sessions. This leads to an alternative of using customized AI powered chatbots in full immersion Virtual Reality (VR) games as a substitute for professionals for a consistent and supportive treatment to reduce anxiety and depression levels. However, not much research has been done specifically on AI chatbots in VR games for depression therapy. Therefore, this study is separated into three analyses: analyzing the effects of chatbots on depression, the effects of VR on depression, and the effects of games on depression. Various researches analyzed in this study have supported chatbot therapy to be effective in reducing anxiety levels. VR also provided a platform that can promote concentration and engagement in patients. Analysis of studies on games supported that games provide positive emotions and reduce anxiety. Nevertheless, future primary research must be conducted before reaching a conclusion because of limited data.
Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Virtual Reality, Game, Depression, AnxietyCITE THIS PAPER
Xinrui Ren, Artificial Intelligence and Depression: How AI powered chatbots in virtual reality games may reduce anxiety and depression levels. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Practice (2020) Vol. 3: 48-58. DOI:
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