Aims & Scope
"Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology(AETP)" is a peer-reviewed book series specialized in rapid publication of proceedings of international conferences, workshops and symposia as well as state-of-the-art volumes on topics of current interest in educational technology and psychology areas focusing on innovative methods and technologies.
Stand-alone papers, Special Topic Volumes, conference materials are welcome.
Articles submitted for publication in AETP cannot be published or sent for publication elsewhere. Authors retain the right to publish an extended, significantly updated version in another periodical.
All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks followed by printed hard copy. The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
Studies of Comparative Education
Studies of Aldult Education
Studies of Higher Education
History of Educational Technology
Studies of Education Technology
Economics of Education
Education Economics and Management
Ethics of Education
History of Education
Sociology and Educational Culture Studies
Educational Psychology
Education Information Science and Technology
Principles of Education
Education Policy and Law
Curriculum & Methodology
Rural Education
Mathematics Education
Educational Studies of Special Needs
Mental Health Education
Studies of Pre-school Education
Learning Science & Technology Design
Educational Studies of Vocational Techniques
Developmental & Educational Psychology
Psychology of Development and Education
Basic Psychological Studies
Cognitive Neurosciences
Information Engineering of Psychology
Medical Psychology
Applied Psychology
Statistical Psychology
Applied Psychology